Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

justify my love

justify my love. Justify My Love és Bad
  • Justify My Love és Bad

  • Raid
    May 4, 09:27 AM
    A Liberal still won in my old riding (Toronto Centre)
    See what happens when I leave? The whole country went cookoo. You mean my riding right? :p We did go kind of cuckoo after you left, but the shrine they placed in you old building is really quite a touching tribute to your legacy, though they need to tidy up more when the goat sacrifices are made. :)

    If they liberals had been in power the deficit would have been even larger. Conjecture at best, I'm not saying it would be smaller, I'm not saying it would be larger... but your bias is showing.

    Flaunts the law? What are you talking about? I believe he could be referring to the last Harper government being found in contempt of parliament when one of it's members lied to her peers and the Canadian people. ... just as one example...

    Is your memory short? Did you forget the sponsorship scandal in Quebec? Did you forget about Paul Martin passing laws that were beneficial to his shipping company? Did you forget that Paul Martin re-registered his ships on some island nation so that he did not have to hire Canadians? I haven't forgotten about those either, the sponsorship scandal was bad for the liberals, just as the Mulroney kick-backs were bad for the conservatives ... we could go on like this to confederation if you want. :rolleyes: Oh and the whole Paul Martin re-registering his ships wasn't to avoid employing Canadians, it was to avoid taxes. It was a bad political move, but no more or less than what other companies do to pass through the tax loopholes that both parties have either created or do nothing about.

    Some of us have to actually "work" for a living and pay high taxes already. You seem to imply that you feel others (maybe the posters here) don't "work" for a living and don't pay taxes based on the same rules. What are you really trying to say? Are you upset and think you pay too much? I'll tell you there isn't a single person who would refuse more money in their pocket, but some might if they knew it meant getting less services and protection from our government.

    In a real democracy, there are no winners. Debate results in compromise. Compromise leaves everyone disappointed but (usually) sanguine, because those other guys are also comparably disappointed. This is why a minority government is actually more like democracy in action than in other times, yet we seem to be run either by children who must have their way, or those that seemingly crave power to satisfy their own selves first.

    Our first-past-the post system has flaws for sure, but I think one reason why we really haven't had much of a debate on the issue here is two-fold. First, there's no magic answer to distribute house of commons seats based on the country's percentage of vote; second and most prevalent to the politicians is that a majority government would become even more of a rarity.

    justify my love. Justify My Love, Madonna
  • Justify My Love, Madonna

  • MacTheSpoon
    Apr 16, 04:42 PM
    What the hell, how bizarre. This app store stuff is ridiculous. Either allow satire or don't, and say so in your rules.

    justify my love. SOLD : Justify My Love
  • SOLD : Justify My Love

  • mechamac
    Nov 14, 10:46 AM
    This is yet another one of those things that makes you think: damn, the iPod is huge.

    justify my love. justify my love.
  • justify my love.

  • fishmoose
    Oct 6, 01:13 PM
    Because now Android with a range of sizes is eating iPhone sales.

    Go into a Best Buy and look at all the Androids with larger screens, and some with smaller screens and lower prices. Apple needs to compete with that...

    I'd stop to think about what you're saying before you speak. Maybe check the stats from anytime this year.
    The iPhone does not have a majority of the share in the smartphone market.

    As of Q1 RIM had a commanding lead over iPhone; http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/06/06/apples_iphone_market_share_three_times_greater_than_android_in_us.html
    Other more recent reports show'd RIM slipping, but still higher than iOS. This one also show Nokia as having an even greater lead than both.
    And the MOST recent data (as of yesterday) has Android beating iOS; http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/10/05/android-passes-blackberry-and-iphone-among-recent-smartphone-purchases/

    "Fail"? HA, Hardly. :rolleyes:

    Well, Android is on a lot of handsets sure but is a wide majority of handsets selling or is it a few top of the line phones?

    Also iPhone is still bigger than Android worldwide.


    justify my love. Justify My Love by Madonna
  • Justify My Love by Madonna

  • s.hasan546
    Apr 11, 09:54 AM
    Is this really bump worthy?

    didn't see how old it was sorry :(

    justify my love. waiting for you to justify my
  • waiting for you to justify my

  • lhshockey24
    Mar 11, 03:20 PM
    20 In line at the Best Buy in Flower Mound. I wonder what the other Best Buys look like now that people are getting off work.


    justify my love. take on Justify My Love by
  • take on Justify My Love by

  • x86isslow
    Nov 2, 11:11 AM
    My friend and I had a conversation a few nights ago. He recently switched to Mac.

    friend: i dont like how Mac OS X software is so artsy though

    justify my love. birthday, Justify my love,
  • birthday, Justify my love,

  • ColdFlame87
    Sep 1, 01:15 AM
    Anything asthetically new in this version, or perhaps some new small features?


    justify my love. CnS justify my love
  • CnS justify my love

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 20, 02:59 PM
    Originally posted by bond2
    As the saying goes at Apple: "If you can't beat'em, dual'em"

    I say whatever it takes to keep up. Doesn't bother me that there are two CPU's under the hood. Anyways I am sure that OS X is way more optimized for dual Processors than Windows 2000 or XP. Having OS X far outways the slight difference in hardware performance. OS X is specifically designed for Macs, and optimized to take full advantage of the hardware. No one that has a Dell, Compaq, Gateway...etc... can say the same thing about Windows. The only way that would happen is if Microsoft came out with a special Intel version of Windows or AMD version. Never gonna happen. I know most of you already know this but I just thought I'd throw it out there again.
    Windows XP is optimized for both Intel Pentiums and AMD Athlons. You can include optimizations for both and they will be used as needed. Windows XP-64 is also compiled for IA-64 workstations. Apple might have beat Microsoft with the first consumer 32 bit OS, but Microsoft beat Apple with the first consumer 64 bit OS. You're speaking facts and not justifying them; please, next time at least justify yourself.

    justify my love. justify my love lyrics madonna
  • justify my love lyrics madonna

  • tringo
    Sep 26, 11:20 PM
    Yes Adam Curry should own the name "Podcast" since he is the one that coined the term.

    Thank you very much, I was worried that I would read this whole thread and no-one would know about Adam Curry. Him and his friend came up with the name a long time ago ago and theoretically it was the first "podacst" ever.

    Also, Apple is being very ignorant here. Its not called an iPodcast, so how on earth can they clame that anything with the word "pod" in it must refer to the iPod. Absolute BS, grow up Apple.


    justify my love. Justify My Love (Orbit 12quot; Mix
  • Justify My Love (Orbit 12quot; Mix

  • slidingjon
    Nov 14, 09:14 AM
    Since this is Zune launch day:

    Seeing as apple now has a majority of auto makers making connectivity and now the airline industry is getting on board, this is a major blow to the Zune. Neither cars nor airplanes will come with every connection possible so that any media player can be used. This is a great step for apple and potential apple customers.

    How about a built-in mag safe connector for the airplanes too? :)

    justify my love. Justify My Love
  • Justify My Love

  • gagebart
    Mar 13, 10:57 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I live in Arizona and we don't follow daylight savings time, but my phone jumped an hour ahead. I'm on AT&T btw
    Set your phone & computer's time zone to Arizona time, and sync again. Does that help?

    I just restarted my phone and it fixed its self


    justify my love. Madonna in Justify My Love
  • Madonna in Justify My Love

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 6, 06:03 AM
    This is what I've been saying: computer geeks design and market the stuff and it's like cutting themselves out of a potentially huge market. Jobs always understood the need to connect computers to people--non-computer-geek people... people that don't want to waste days of their lives just trying to figure out how to make their computer work so they can then do work.

    Making it a limited or closed platform is part of the simplification needed for a successful device catering to almost everyone.

    justify my love. Justify my love,
  • Justify my love,

  • acurafan
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    that's great. now delta force can each carry 5 iphones - one for each task!! and 5 chargers for each phone after they last 10 minutes on the app - in addition to their 70lbs of gear. :D


    justify my love. Madonna Justify My Love
  • Madonna Justify My Love

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 15, 08:25 PM
    An increasing number of complete and utter fruitloops seem to have "Made in the USA" stamped on their foreheads these days.

    All the more reason for the US to get into the export business. ;)

    justify my love. Madonna: Justify My Love
  • Madonna: Justify My Love

  • rdowns
    Apr 11, 10:51 AM
    You forgot one thing. I added it for you. You're welcome.

    I love how so many here talk about needed cuts, but never talk about needing to raise taxes. :rolleyes:

    Agreed. I also find it absurd that people think we can solve this now as opposed to over time. It took at least 8 years to get where we are, we can't fix it on one.


    justify my love. tony ward justify my love
  • tony ward justify my love

  • Goldinboy17
    Mar 24, 04:40 PM
    Just picked one up in Norwalk CT - they had plenty in stock and the sales person didn't realize the markdown until I mentioned it. Great deal. They tried to sell me a ton of services, but you don't have to... $317 out the door.:)

    You can't imagine how jealous I am of you >.>
    Mind going back and picking one up for me? :D

    justify my love. tony ward justify my love.
  • tony ward justify my love.

  • Glideslope
    Mar 28, 10:47 AM
    COOL Logo. :apple:

    justify my love. Madonna-JustifyMyLove.mp4
  • Madonna-JustifyMyLove.mp4

  • Darkroom
    Apr 16, 06:53 PM
    way to stand by your principles by resubmitting :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 01:03 PM
    I don't understand why it won't let you update, from the Help Menu > check for updates, in the app itself... why do i have to go to Microsofts website to get the update?

    Mar 11, 04:48 PM
    I'm 12th in line at willow bend. Can't see the end of the line

    I'm at the front of the third part of the line, it goes on forever behind me...

    Apr 9, 04:48 PM
    guys, if you really want to make some SERIOUS word-processing, i suggest you to try the LaTeX system :)
    LyX is what i miss most since i switch from linux to mac.

    Apr 20, 11:11 AM
    thanks for welcoming me. i had a windows box running SETI all day but saw that Macrumors had a folding@home team so decided to join in. i have a question though, does having a dedicated GPU help out alot? Right the computer only has integrated graphics.

    welcome to the team and thanks for joining!

    as for a dedicated GPU, it depends. you can run a GPU folding client, which will use your video card for folding, and you can still run a CPU client also. right now, nvidia cards work much better for folding.

    what setup do you have now?

    Mac OS X Ocelot
    Mar 26, 04:07 PM
    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Lost? Brilliant.

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